Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 15: Nightmare at Wolfe Creek

Refreshed from a good nights sleep, the team began to contemplate the day’s journey.

Squeaky had stepped up to join Wolverine as one of the Iron Chefs for dinner and breakfast. The day started ominously as Wolverine used Squeaky’s personal plate as a meat tray. Now Squeaky is a vegetarian Adonis, and particularly sensitive to intrusions on his personal herbivorian space. The issue was resolved amicably, but the omens were not good for the day.

Early morning activities included bike skills training at Evel’s suggestion. Exercises included a slow race and a slalom course around bush objects.

The grind through the dust continued, as the kilometers passed endlessly through the morning.

Eventually the border with Western Australia was reached, revealing a spindly entrail into the distance.

Disaster struck as the super size corrugations gained revenge on the ailing trailers. Vigorous argument erupted between Frodo and The Wedge on the intricacies of trailer repair, with Frodo once again throwing himself onto the ground, displaying his new pants to the passing wildlife.

Evel suggested driving practice down the Tanami as a diversion from the mechanical stresses. His efforts in coaching Gal in the fine points of golf would be enough to make Greg Norman choke.

The spiritual connection that Wolverine held with the crater at Wolfe Creek, intensified as it grew closer. The electro-magnetic crossover between the two strengthened, effectively buzzing the wiring on Wolverine’s machine. His bike was rendered completely useless and ground to an agonizing halt.

The team still managed to proceed through the Western Australian desert

Passing through local communities opened our eyes to the dilemma of the indigenous population living in a western environment.

The mechanical collapses retarded the progress of the team in their quest to reach Halls Creek. A last minute dash was made to Wolfe Creek in the eerie darkness. Buffeted by deep sand tracks, the team became completely lost and set up bush camp for the evening in the only clearing they could find, a dirt road. They nervously awaited the morning.


Anonymous said...

Yes ..Yes ..Yes the melb based adventure hasnt been any easier...S to F has had its own mechanical problems...and some human ones as get that when you leave Half Nelson in charge with only the Age horoscope as the only form of spiritual guidance to leen on...smashed a windscreen on the Monash as well...Half Nelson has had to take up residence in the headquarters carpark to protect Gals Private Parking Spot...with some of the notes Half left Gal should meet some new and interesting people with firm opinions about the content of the notes....keep the armour handy...a round trip today to plenty valley took a staggering 3 hrs ,what with all the road trains and corrugations..(mostly on the adjacent shed structures errected in honour of this essential but tenuous east /west link of Melbourne...Altona to they really need to be connected) onto Broome and Cable Beach Resort...or in Frodos case Beach Bum Resort....he said its going to need a long rest...Frodo should be able to handle his impending partners conferance with ease with this sort of preparation...enough ....S to F moves to Broome as of Saturday ... God Bless ... do we need more bushmans?

Anonymous said...

Dear Osso to Broome Team

At BSA we are following your progress.

On Friday afternoon our fortnightly firm meeting was devoted to tacking your adventure. The photography is excellent and the commentary well written.

There appears to be a theme of "mechanical challenges" in your day's activities.

Best wishes for the remainder of the trip and safe travels.

BSA Partnership.

Anonymous said...

What happened after day 15 - we are left in limbo!!
from Gal's anxious ma-in law who keeps logging onand findingnothing more