Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 14: Creatures of the Desert

After a restful night in paradise, the team prepared themselves for the first assault on the Tanami, a wake in fright.

The tradition of the desert was embraced, the appropriate gear was donned, a mixture of fishnet and armour, putting on the Alexander Downers.

The road was shared with other pieces on heavy metal, trucks swerved at the sight of our progress.

Further mechanical calamity struck. The relationship between Frodo and Gal was continued in it’s enlightened sense of cooperation, engaged in an orgy of trailer spring reconstruction and shackle tightening. However a new hero emerged, in the guise of driver Graeme. His invention of a primitive timber device to resolve the dilemmas of the trailer, gives rise to the name of his new identity, The Wedge.

The new drivers failed to master their role as masters for the expletive free environment, as they were the chief offenders. Following the crisis of the trailer, the extent of fines on Gal would equal the GDP of a small African country.

The team passed through vast plains and along the endless gravel line snaking it’s way into the distance. Silent sentinels of the desert watched the passing parade, indifferent to the effort and suffering borne by the riders.

A destination was reached along the infinite path. The team sought refuge in the flat lands of the rabbit, camping in the grounds belonging to two immortalized characters of the desert, Bruce and Jaqueline.

Legend has it that Bruce threatened one of the Leyland Brothers with a shotgun upon finding the said outback explorer on his back verandah. Regardless of the truth of this rumour, Bruce would probably be supported by the majority of Australians exposed to the endless repeats of Ask the Leyland Brothers.

The team thanked the proprietors of Rabbit Flat for their anecdotes and assistance, and bunked down for the night, sleeping restlessly with the thoughts of the journey ahead.

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