6 grumpy old men and their motorbikes
5,000 kilometres across australia
18 days of all-terrain adventure
& the opportunity to help give children a chance

‘OtoB’, apart from the obvious meaning “Oh to be”, is derived from the starting point of this journey: Café Osso (O) in Hawthorn, Melbourne, to the finishing point in Broome (B), Western Australia.
The main objective is for six riders and their support crew to realise their dream to travel over some of Australia’s greatest outback country with a touch of adventure, while raising money for the “Chances” Programs. These programs support disadvantaged children and young adults with their education and give them a chance to fulfil their dreams.
The journey commences on Monday, 27th August, will cover 5,000 kms and take 18 days of riding.
The Riders:
NHArchitecture: Lyndon Hayward, Roger Nelson, Peter Dredge.
Southway Management Limited: Evan Vertue.
Sixth Julwood: Ray Pobjoy.
Jinton: Richard Collins.
Support Crew:
Glenn Fleisher, Chris Arms, Sagi Aloni and Graeme Holdsworth .

Help us to help ForCHILDREN (Australia) Inc. raise more than $100,000 to support young people with their education, through the ‘Chances’ Programs so they can realise their potential. We are asking for your support to invest in our cause by donating to ForCHILDREN (Australia) Inc. The cost of the trip is fully funded by the participating individuals.
All contributions are tax deductible.
Please download the form to make your tax deductible contribution by cheque to
Attention: Denis Oakley
ForChildren (Australia) Inc
P.O. Box 2626
Cheltenham 3192

Our thanks
We wish to extend our thanks to Contributors.
A note of thanks will be published in the Australian Financial Review in mid October which will also confirm the final sum raised. Please advise if you would like your participation to be anonymous. All contributors will be entitled to refer to ‘Chances’ Programs in their Corporate Social Responsibility report. Members of these programs and auspicing bodies will be pleased to visit your company to explain to staff how the funds and mentoring program are managed. Please contact:
Denis Oakley
272 Charman Rd.
Cheltenham, 3192
t: 03 9584 6863
e: denis.oakley@optusnet.com.au
Thanks to:
Vehicles provided by:
Car Connections
Mystique Printers
Peter Bennetts - Photographer

Chances’ Programs in Victoria
Victoria is very fortunate to have three ‘Chances’ Programs - Southern Chances, Mallee Chances and Western Chances. The key feature of these ‘Chances’ Programs is that the assistance gets to where it’s needed - the children and young people who have a passion to achieve but lack the financial and sometimes emotional support to enable them to realise their full potential. Almost 1000 children in Victoria have already benefited from the support of the ‘Chances’ Programs. These recipients are now in Universities studying medicine, engineering, law and commerce, in TAFE Colleges doing welfare courses and trade training, or pursuing music and other cultural studies. NHArchitecture was a founding financial supporter of Southern Chances, launched in October 2006. ForCHILDREN (Australia) Inc. established the Southern Chances Program in partnership with Connections.
We are indeed very grateful that NHArchitecture and the participants of the ‘OtoB’ bike ride are lending their support towards sponsorship for these programs, as well as providing the opportunity for more people to hear about the success of the ‘Chances’ Programs in Victoria.
Thank you NHArchitecture for your commitment to young Victorians.
Meg Bartel
Board Member
ForCHILDREN (Australia) Inc.
Case Studies

Medical Student
When Michael completed his VCE the possibility of him going to University was very remote indeed. That’s where ‘Chances’ stepped in. Now in 4th year Medicine at Monash University, he said; "‘Chances’ supported me financially and encouraged me to go places I could only dream about. ‘Chances’ gave me all the support I needed to fulfil my destiny. They have been behind me from the start, relieving the financial burden that my course places not just on myself but also on my whole family. I’m well on my way now but without their practical support and encouragement none of this would be possible."
- Michael Kirk

Law Graduate/Articled Clerk
Herbert Geer & Rundle Lawyers
“Thank you to the ‘Chances’ Program for believing in my abilities and providing me with the chance to progress my desire to study law. It has meant a great deal to me. I can now proudly say that I am pursuing my career in law, but without your assistance I would have struggled.”
- Wendy Miller
1 comment:
We,d like to hear that they have started and how they aregoing and where they are staying tonight.
Rick & Jane
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