Monday, September 3, 2007

Day 7: Café Baghdad

Father’s Day! Where our heroes enjoy a parting brew, enjoy an artistic wonderland, and watch as their equipment is put to the test, with alarming results…and we realise that not every eventuality can be planned for… and all the team become poets.

We spent the early hours investigating the town of Marree from different angles, before having a parting coffee at the roadhouse and setting out on the Oodnadatta Track.

Before long we stumbled on an extraordinary sculpture park, with a bell selection which Gal was soon chiming into with gusto – the team was thankful that he didn’t give up his day job.

Other items included various alien pieces, an aviation dedication, and even a giant dog.

From there we continued up the track to the southern tip of Lake Eyre where we had lunch, our second flat tyre, which the assassin promptly changed, with the help of the team while the iron chef’s prepared an exotic lunch of…. sandwiches.

This was followed by a romp on the shores of Lake Eyre,

a trip to the hot springs, where the druids circle was revisited

and then disaster….

A simple case of bad timing (chain) and a vehicle was disabled… a whole cast of mechanics was assembled in no time, and even a step ladder for Frodo.

The vehicle was towed some 60 kms to William Creek where we had a wonderful dinner with pineapple garnish, enjoyed the hot mud showers, and settled down for the night.

The morning will see the car crews towing to Coober Pedy at dawn for extensive repairs which could seriously affect the ability of the team to continue on the current schedule.

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